Monday, March 10, 2008


So, it turns out that skiing is more scary than I remember...yes, I wrecked last year and this past Friday was the first time back. I was a complete WOOSIE! I usually just go straight down the hill, no fear, but I had to carve the hill. The good thing about this trip was that is was a beautiful day, I had a pair of wicked awesome ski's and I went with my sister. Here are the pics. Yep, only three but they were on her phone and I couldn't figure out that the button to take a pic. only needed a tap, not a push. (What the heck?!)
I came out of this trip with only a sunburn on the top 1/4 of my forehead and the bottom 1/2 of my face. Sexy...Wahoo!


Candyce said...

Pshaw. Of course your hair looks absolutely perfect. All curly. Mine is always frizzy, and soaking wet by the end of the day from all my falls. :) Great blog. Next post: Idaho Falls Floral Show! I want to hear all about it.

Candyce said...

Heres someone you could be blogging friends with: