Monday, December 29, 2008


Okay, so I am real sorry for the long time without a post, but finally, I am posting something. Life has definitely changed since I last wrote. I can't believe that I will be graduating this semester of school, and another big change is coming but that news will have to wait...

But this Christmas break, it has just been Amy and I here in our apartment complex and as much as I love her, we have been so bored. Last night I lay on the couch, as she sit in the chair across the room, literally dying of boredom. It was only 9 p.m. and we were determined to stay up until 12 a.m. to go get Baja Blast from Taco Bell (then Sunday would be over). But three hours seemed like an eternity long, so we had to think of something. Then the idea struck me...sledding. But neither Amy or I had a sled, so what did we do, improvised; a car, orange sheet and a cookie sheet. We tied a knot in the end of the sheet and shut it in the truck to create the 'rope' and then we began the craziness. First it started with a cookie sheet, which would've worked better had the parking lot been more ice than slush.

In this next picture, I had ice melting down my butt was frigid.

And then, a laundry basket was instituted and wow, it worked amazing. Around and around we went in circles, eventually going about 10 mph in a circle. I have never had so much fun in a laundry basket. Little did I remember (but once was told), that plastic gets brittle in the cold and sadly, our fun came to an end when the bottom of the basket broke out. Our boredom had been cured for awhile, but we have determined that, that activity is going to stay. Next time a snow storm comes, we will be ready with dollar store laundry baskets and sheets...we plan on making a train.
My wet butt, broken laundry basket and plastic bag.


symony said...

that is so FUNNY!!!!!!!! I love it you girls are so cute!! I love the picture of Amy in the little basket!!! Way to kill the boredom!!!

mkm said...

Okay I take it back...I really am excited for you...just a little bitter! Just kidding. I can't wait for the announcement!

mkm said...

Oh and that looks ridiculously fun! I like the ridiculous things that get invented when people get bored!

Sara said...

Oh man, probably most of the greatest things in the world are invented because people get bored right? ha.ha. Anyways, thanks guys!

Alyssa said...

I'm glad I found your blog!